On the weekend of May 31 - June 1

help us collect over 1 million cigarette butts across Europe

Join the movement

Do you also get fed up with seeing so many cigarette butts on the floor ? 

You want to take simple action to preserve the ocean ? 

On the weekend of May 31 - June 1, several local groups of Surfrider are organizing waste collections across Europe.

Find a collection near you ⬇️

Why Surfrider organize this cigarette butts

cOLLECTION in all europe ?

Cigarette butts are more than just litter, they pose a significant threat to our environment. 

Here's why :


Wind and rain carry cigarette butts into waterways, reaching our oceans. The cellulose acetate filters, essentially plastic, degrade into micro and nano particles, harming ecosystems. These chemicals leach into the ocean, posing a threat to marine life.

Biodegradability Myth

The tobacco industry has normalized littering cigarette butts through advertising, yet they are ecotoxic waste. Even "biodegradable" butts pollute as they degrade, dispersing toxins. It takes over a decade for one butt to decompose.

New Challenges

Wind and rain carry cigarette butts into waterways, reaching our oceans. The cellulose acetate filters, essentially plastic, degrade into micro and nano particles, harming ecosystems. These chemicals leach into the ocean, posing a threat to marine life.

The tobacco industry has normalized littering cigarette butts through advertising, yet they are ecotoxic waste. Even "biodegradable" butts pollute as they degrade, dispersing toxins. It takes over a decade for one butt to decompose.

Surfrider suggests burning cigarette butts since recycling them is tricky due to their toxicity and concerning new smoking habits, like using e-cigarettes with lithium batteries, collecting these items separately and banning disposable e-cigarettes.

4.5 TRillion

Every year, 4.5 trillion cigarette butts are thrown on the ground around the world. 

Cigarette butts belong in the bin, not the ocean !

2 500

Each filter contains over 2500 toxic chemicals, including mercury, lead and arsenic.

1 000

One butt can pollute 1000 liters of water and takes over a decade to decompose.


Every year, 4.5 trillion cigarette butts are thrown on the ground around the world. 

Each filter contains over 2500 toxic chemicals, including mercury, lead and arsenic.

One butt can pollute 1000 liters of water and takes over a decade to decompose.

70% of seabirds are affected by ingesting cigarette butts toxins transported on the ocean.

RaisE Awareness

The world record for collecting cigarette butts highlights the severity of this pollution, aiming to shed light on these invisible wastes and their adverse environmental impacts. 

Partners of the event

Surfrider Against Cigarette Butts :